This is a wild flower ,which grows in damp locations , but can not find it in any of my wild flower books wonder if someone can identify it
Looks something like Caltha palustris, Marsh marigold. Not familiar with the leaf shape variations, but maybe worth checking. A closeup photo of the flower may help.
the flower is aprox 1/4 inch across , the leaves are about 3/4 inch by 1/2 inch , the edges of the leaves are not toothed, it has 5 pedals ,looks different than a close up of Caltha palustris. the plant is less than 2 inchs high
Maybe a Ranunculus of some kind then ? Maybe this site might help
Not sure , but wondering about Ranunculus rhomboideus, said to have hairy stems and petals longer than the sepals , which wouldn't match your flower it seems.