Identification: unknown plant

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Peacubhue, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. Peacubhue

    Peacubhue Member

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    port coquitlam, bc, canada
    Can anyone identify this plant?? I bought it from a garage sale about three years ago. I think the lady told me it was a rare plant from asia ( i could be wrong) and she called it a dragon plant. I have done internet searches and have come with nothing. It does flower these tube looking like flowers I think they are pink and white in color but again i could be wrong as mine has never flowered only the sample one I saw three years ago. i have almost killed my plant a few times but it must still love me cause it still alive and kicking. Maybe if i find more information about how to take care of it then it will really forgive me and then flower hehehe.

    This one could be a stumper.

    Thanks your time and help in advance

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  2. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    it looks like it may be a Lipstick plant .. but there are a few varieties ..
    and that just looks like a plastic bowl ... doe it have drainage ??.. if it dont i would get it into another pot with drainage in it .. that could be why you almost killed it .. root rot ..

  3. Peacubhue

    Peacubhue Member

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    port coquitlam, bc, canada
    I used to have it in a smaller draining container but that is when i seemed to have kept killing it. Since i put it in this one, just as a tempary one till i forgot to transfer it, Has been thriving like crazy! but i do want to put it in better container since this one looks funny. but im scared im going to kill it again lolol
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2007

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