Hello to all of you. I have a plant that I would like some assitance in identifying... First off, I am in Zone 5 (US) and this plant is a perennial for me. Its leaves look very much like a mum, and the greenery smells when cut (not a good smell). This plant starts to bloom mid-June and continues reblooming until sometimes after frost. I chop it back quite frequently through the summer (at least halfway) and it bushes out and reblooms within ONE week. I have gotten it to grow easily from seed - in fact, it's quite a good "naturalizer". I have had it for at LEAST 5 years, and received it in a clump of plants from a friend, who said it came with the house she moved into. I have never heard of a mum that grows in such a fashion as this plant, and I have seen the flowers of Achillea Ptarmica (The Pearl) and they look nearly exact, but I cannot find a picture of the leaves of Achillea to know if they are the same as this. If you have this plant, or know for sure what it is, I would appreciate it. I cannot post pictures here, but you can go into my "space" at http://spaces.msn.com/members/krystalNHGC/ and there are pics of both the flower and leaves in the album titled "White One"....
Hey Kristal, I don't know if others are having this problem, but it took quite a while for your photo page to open up. Anyway the "white one" may be Tanacetum (feverfew). Let's see what others come up with.
My flower looks less like a daisy than the feverfew pics that I found online (Google Image search). It looks more like a flattened out pom pom. Are there different varieties of feverfew that might have different flower styles? Because it's looking VERY close otherwise.
I guess I've answered my own question, because upon looking at MANY more images, I've found several different styles of flowers on the feverfew, and some look exactly like what I've got!!! Thanks to you - Eric. You have literally solved a YEARS OLD mystery!
Yes there is a lot of variation in the flowers (as in many plants). Interesting to note that Tanacetum parthenium is also called Chrysanthemum parthenium. (I believe that is the old name. T. parthenium is the correct name.) Chamomile has similar flowers, but the leaf form is quite different. Because there are many similar flowers and I am not a taxonomist, I would consider this a tentative ID until you get more confirmation. Perhaps you can tell for sure by looking up info and comparing it to your plant.