I am trying to identify several plants I found along a new bike path in northern Indiana. The first one is a very large herbaceous plant, about 15 feet tall. It is blooming now in mid September with showy sprays of small off-white flowers. I will try to attach two photos.
PLANT ID- Bike Path Hi, Just in case you haven't ID'd this plant yet...it is an oxydendron arboreum.... I have included a link to a site with more info about it...hope this helps... http://oregonstate.edu/dept/ldplants/oxar.htm ps/ this site is great for ALL plants
I don't think oxydendron arboreum is correct. First, it is not a tree. Second the leaves come to a point whereas oxydendron arboreum have rounded ends. Thanks for the link.
Hello, This appears to be Fallopia japonica aka Polygonum cuspidatum commonly known as "Japanese knotweed". It is a noxious weed throughout much of North America, and very difficult to eradicate. It's discussed in this thread: Eradicating Japanese knotweed An excellent resource site: The Bugwood Network - from the University of Georgia