This plant grew from a pot that just had new potting soil in it. So perhaps a squirrel or bird planted whatever this is. I live in northern Florida, it is in full sun, grows VERY fast (I'd guess an inch a day or two), repels water on it's leaves but soaks it up in the roots, and the tiny leaves fold up at night. It is spreading out like a christmas tree. Does anyone know what it is? It might even be a weed for all I know.
Not a fern at all. May be Pride of Barbados, but I don't grow it, so I'm not overly familiar with it. Most likely a weed, though...
Nope, Coffeweed, Sesbania herbacea (formerly exaltata) HTH Chris
Very elegant, almost other-worldly specimen. Pot is too small, might as well bump it up and keep it going for awhile longer. Looks as interesting as anything you might have paid a pretty good price for.
Thank you so much for identifying this plant? for me. Weed or plant, I love it! I have asked anyone who stopped by and tried other websites and you are the first to ID it for me. Thanks again!