I don't know much when it comes to plants, especially indoor plants, even common ones. However these plants are from my boyfriend's house, him and his mom are Cambodian and these plants might be from there. If anybody can ID them for me it would be great. Also, if anyone can tell me if they are poisonous to cats that would be even greater! He and I have 2 cats who occasionally pee in the plants or dig them up and one of the spikey stemmed plants had flowers that one of the cats ate. Thank you!
Center photo in the top row: the largest plant shown looks like a jade plant (Crassula). Far right photo in the top row: looks like an African Violet (Saintpaulia). 2nd plant in the 3rd row: looks like a moth orchid (Phalaenopsis). All 3 of these plants are non-toxic. The tree with 'oranges' on it might be a Calamondin Orange (Citrus x citrofortunella). I looked it up and this plant apparently has toxins in the fruit peels and the thorns. Hope this helps!
Calamondins, the peel included, are edible: http://www.hort.purdue.edu/newcrop/morton/calamondin.html
Junglekeeper, thanks for the clarification. Oops! I didn't mean to make it sound as if the fruits were poisonous. I agree, the fruit is quite edible. :) Here's an example of a site that lists Calamondin Orange as a poisonous plant: http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/svc/alpha/d/dpic/plants/poisonous.htm There are also several sites that list it as poisonous to pets (although I don't know how poisonous, or which parts). I just did a quick google search and that's what I found. :)
It would be interesting to know why they consider this plant to be poisonous. It certainly contradicts the volumes of information written on the subject of citrus. So I disagree with the fruit being poisonous to humans, especially having eaten them myself. Having said that, a quick Google search returned references to it being poisonous to dogs. Not sure about cats though. Caution is in order (though it's difficult to see any animal choosing to eat such sour fruit).
first is a euphorbia milii, 2nd crassula,3rd saintpaulia (african violet),4th and 10th epyphyllum, 7th phaleanopsis orchid,8th Philodendrum erubescens,9th calamondin or a kumquat, 11th pelegonium x hortorum (garden geranium). 5th pant is a hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 6th looks kinda like a very sad poinsettia.