HEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP. No one in the office has a clue what this is. It must be a rare and one of a kind tree. Or we just need to learn more. It is about 20-ish-ft tall. and other than the photo that's all we know. Were are in the PNW (pacific northwest), Washington state, Seattle area. This is more than likely a non-native plant that no arborist within shouting distance can figure out.
The usual one here of this type is Carriere hawthorn. See Jacobson, Trees of Seattle - Second Edition (2006), p. 177 for locations of some other examples to compare yours to: It doesn't resemble other hawthorns so much as an evergreen crabapple tree ... Common in Seattle, popular, often planted
Maybe I'm misjudging the size in the photos, but I thought the leaves looked larger than those of Crataegus × lavallei.
Checked up in my books, for C. stipulacea, up to 10 cm, and for C. × lavallei, up to 11 cm, though specimens of the latter I've seen have always had much smaller leaves, not over about 6 (maybe 7) cm (due to the cooler climate here?).