Just going through some images of a trip to Hawaii in April of 2017. We were in the McBryde Garden (National Tropical Botanical Garden) in Kauai. I have no idea what this is. Can anyone help me out?
Aren't Foster (Honolulu) and National Tropical (Kauai) two different facilities? Or maybe they merged? Anyway I think this is probably an orchid. Particularly the way the leaves look.
Oops. McBryde Garden. Thanks, Ron. Corrected. Yes, I wondered if it was an orchid, but the base where it attaches to the tree looked unfamiliar.
What do you think of Grammatophyllum speciosum? There is a photo at Grammatophyllum - Wikipedia, and they do have one at McBryde: 2018_NTBG_Living_Collections_Catalog.pdf. No photo though. I've seen it growing on the ground at Wahaiwa BG on O'ahu.
Wow! Thanks, Wendy. That was fast. And thanks for the link to the NTBG Living Collections Catalogue, as well. Very useful! I could certainly believe that it is a Grammatophyllum speciosum. There's a crazy-looking specimen on the Singapore National Parks Flora and Fauna page here.
I'll add my Wahiawa photos. I don't know the woman who posed next to it, but she was very excited about it and was happy to be in my photo.
Masses of pics on www. Repotting the Tiger Orchid - Brooklyn Botanic Garden File:Starr-120522-6132-Grammatophyllum speciosum-stem and leaves-Iao Tropical Gardens of Maui-Maui (24847545710).jpg - Wikimedia Commons Grammatophyllum speciosum - Google Search