Hi everyone! Maybe one of you can help me... My mom got a potted plant from a friend that was missing its identification tag and the whole family is wondering what it is. I have posted a couple of low quality photos of it here. They are small orange flowers that are clumped at the top of each stem. There are 4 petals, 4 sepals, and 4 anthers. The leaves are waxy and thick (maybe 1/16-1/8th of an inch) and are on opposite sides of the stem. If you have any other questions about the plant that would help you identify it, feel free to contact me at hazenducky@msn.com
Verbena? I am very new at this but it looks like it could be a verbena here is one link that shows a similar flower.... Verbena sample photo Hope this helps....
Not a Verbena I think I have to agree with HazenDucky -- the leaves are thicker and bigger than verbena....