I found this branch cut down in the neighborhood, so I don't have access to the original tree. I'm hoping to get a positive ID anyway. Thanks!
Thanks, Ron. It's definitely a cedar. I've long thought a completely different looking thing was a cedar. Now I'm thinking what I've thought were cedars are actually some form of juniper or cypress. I'll have to dig into those later. After a few hours of research, I'm leaning toward a C. libani (Cedar of Lebanon) over a C. deodara, which seem the two main (only?) species, though C. libani is often broken into 4 varieties that many taxonomists call species. C. libani is said to have darker leaves, and my sample's leaves are pretty dark. Pages like this make my head spin with the number and variety of cultivars, all of which seem pretty unique looking. Anyway, thanks very much! Narrowing this down from 'all conifers' to 'just the cedars' is a huge help.