Am unable to find out what species of Allium is this. It really puzzles me. It is perennial, clump forming, the bulbs are small, about 1 cm or less in diameter, entire without cloves, it has a strong garlicky smell. In my garden it grows about ½ m high.
Re: Unknown Garlic variety Possibly...Allium sativum var. ophioscorodon???
Re: Unknown Allium variety Thanks for your response Silver surfer. It does resemble the hard neck Garlic, but the bulbs are different, very small, undivided, without cloves. The growth habit is different, too. I was given the plant several years ago, by the person who said it was Garlic chives (Allium tuberosum). It looks like Garlic chives, the bulb, and the whole plant, but the problem is, it does produce bulbils, not flowers. It is what confuses me. My Allium doesn't fit fully any Allium description I have read so far : {