I live in Denver Colorado and in the process of removing a very large juniper last week (end of October) I uncovered a small volunteer tree? shrub? with pale green bark, a single leader less than 1" in diameter and stems, about 2 feet, branching out from the top. The shrub/tree is about 3 feet tall, but it was under this juniper so I have no idea how tall it gets. The leaves were oval shaped, smooth edged, no lobes, about 1 1/2" long. At the end of one branch there was a single small flower , about the size of a dime, bright pink with petals? (the flower did not have distinct petals like a fruit tree) that were incurved. I'd send a picture but by the time I made the rounds of local greenhouses the flower was dead. I have lots of trees on my property but this one is completely different from all my other plantings or "volunteers" Any help would be aprreciated.