Looking for an ID for this plant I bought last night. When I bought it, I was thinking Begonia or Peperomia, but I didn't find any species of those that looked similar. My best guess now is a Geogenanthus poeppigii (formerly G. undatus), but those pictures don't quite match either. So I turn to you. Can anybody identify this, or even point me in a general direction?
Peperomia rugosa? http://www.peperomia.net/photos/b_rugosa.jpg http://www.cloudjungle.com/shop/pro...992e.aspx?TB_iframe=true&height=450&width=900
Yep. That's the guy. (Thanks!) I was sort of hoping that it was something else; I have kind of a history with some Peperomias. I got it anyway because of the possibility that maybe it wasn't a Peperomia, and because the leaves seemed a little thicker and more succulent than the ones I've had the worst time with.* - *Good: obtusifolia, pereskiifolia, clusiifolia, ferreyrae, glabella. Bad: caperata, argyreia, orba, verschaffeltii.