Hello Everyone! I am at a loss here and am hoping that someone here can help me out. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I recently purchased my first home so I am fairly new to gardening since I have never had a yard before. In my front patio, I have a plant that no one has been able to identify. I recently noticed it is infested with white flies so I would like to find out how to best care for it. But first, I need to know what it is. Thank You so much for your help Amy
Hi, looks like a Lavatera sp. (this Lavatera 'Purisima' pic is very similar: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3577/3688155799_247b13a53c.jpg?v=0 But I don't know this cultivar. and I'm not sure it's name is correct...)
thanks so much to both of you. I think Lila may be right based on what I have read so far. I really appreciate the help & look forward to learning more as I discover a new hobby.