Hello, I bought a house plant around three years ago from a corner store. I never knew what it was (didn't have an identifying label) and I've somehow managed to keep it alive! Anyways, I recently got a little dog and I just want to make sure that this plant isn't toxic to him. Right now, he's being trained at my parents, but when he does move to my place in August, I need to know if I have to remove the plant or if I can keep it. Ideally, I'd like to keep the plant so I need to figure out what it is. A few notes about the plant: 1) I have tried to propagate the plant by cuttings and putting them in water to grow roots (like when I had a devil's ivy plant) - but this doesn't work, no roots form. So, this is not that kind of plant. 2) It does well indoors with low lighting. 3) It doesn't flower, but annually it does grow these stems with pollen on them around January-February time - big mess to clean up. My friend, who won this plant identifying contest back in high school thought that I had a male plant or something rather based on this info. She was unable to identify it, because she only knew outdoor flora and fauna in upstate NY area. 4) It doesn't like extremely dry soil - it prefers a moist, humid environment. But I always let the soil dry out before waterings. It's probably one of those indoor type plants that came from the rainforest somewhere. This is all the info I can give. Please review the attached photos. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your help on identifying this plant. =) By the way, if anyone can tell me how to eliminate the yellowing of the leaves - I'd appreciate it!
It reminds me of a lipstick plant (Aeschynanthus humilis), but I am far from sure. If so it is not toxic to dogs, but check to make sure that is really what it is. It also needs medium light to be happy and to bloom. Thank You for asking - so many don't . barb