My friend received this climber in a pot with no tag. She'd really love to know what it is. It's sitting on her porch in Pennsylvania, purchased at a local nursery. Any help is greatly appreciated!
It looks like a mandevilla, although the leaves seem smoother than most that I see growing around. They are commonly offered at nurseries in recent years. Blooms all summer and can be overwintered indoors and moved outside for summers in PA or MI.
Here is a URL to pictures of my two mandavillea for comparison purposes. I might add it has bloomed continuously all summer and is a joy to view. A morning glory plant is shown on the right of some of the pictures, but the leaves are quite different from the mandavillea. URL to two mandavillea plants. Durgan
Just to echo what Eric said, my father's done the same with a Mandevilla in Manitoba - outdoors for the summer, indoors for the winter.