I need help identifying the plant in the attached pictures. I just recently noticed that this plant started having sticky brown spots here and there. Since it's placed in a very low traffic area, we did not notice the extent of the infestation until very recently. Please help me identify the plant and the sticky crawly things on it. Is it curable? Thanks a lot!
The pest in the middle picture is scale. The stickiness is the honeydew that is excreted by them as they feed. There may be another pest present judging by the white casings with what appears to be legs in the first and fourth pictures. Insecticidal soap can be used to deal with scale and most other houseplant pests. Note that it must be applied over multiple applications as directed on the label. Physically remove the adult scale prior to spraying.
by remove the adult scale, it's meant that you should remove the covering (the scale) that protects the bug...it's like armour - and the actual bug is protected beneath it.