I'm repotting the plants at work but I don't really know what to do with this umbrella tree. I'm not very familiar with them and get find any similar pictures online to get a sense of how to proceed. The weird metal "pot" is only about 5 inches deep and 14x12 at the top. Any recommendations on if I should prune it, simply move it to a deeper pot and see what happens? Im pretty open minded and no one else here cares. At the very least I want to encourage growth and have it be more aesthetically pleasing. Oh, I'm in Saskatoon and it's in a south facing window but with minimal direct light. On weekends the blinds are closed.
Considering the pot, the minimal light, lack of general interest in it, and that it's in Canada, it's doing fairly well. It could use a deeper pot but this is less of a problem than the volume of the pot compared to the much heavier top growth. I'm guessing that it's been in this pot for several years, so changing the potting mix is a good idea. That way you can get a look at the roots. If they are wound around and around and around, then you have to loosen them up, and maybe trim off dessicated ones. Of the top growth, you might like to prune it back fairly hard and hope it's vigorous enough to grow a lush canopy. The problem is that you should only do one or the other, and this is prime time for new growth at either end. It's all easy for me to say. I could toss it in my back yard, run it over with a lawn mower and it would grow down here, at almost any time of year. Good luck with it.