
Discussion in 'VCBF Cultivar Locations' started by gonul guvenc, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Location of Ukon's will be summarized here. (Prunus Sato-zakura Group 'Ukon')
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2009
  2. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    * on Point Grey Road at Macdonald - see pictures in Kitsilano.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2011
  3. gonul guvenc

    gonul guvenc Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC, Canada
    *E 29 Avenue, east of Knight St., 7 Ukons on south side - please see pictures in Kensington/Cedar Cottage.

    Also in Kensington/Cedar Cottage:
    * by the Brewers Park tennis courts (west side of the park at Beatrice Street, off Kingsway).- please see pictures in Kensington/Cedar Cottage.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2011
  4. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Burnaby: small park at the SE corner of Central Park. (Imperial St. & Willingdon Ave.) - three Ukons and one Tai Haku. Well, we're not sure about the Ukons - they might have too much green to be true Ukons.

    Downtown: Crab Park, off the north end of Main Street, two trees
    *There are 6 + 3 young Ukons planted on the median between Pacific Boulevard and Expo Boulevard - please see pictures in Downtown.

    Dunbar-Southlands: 16th Ave, Blenheim to Trafalgar, in the median
    [Edited June 20, 2011 by wcutler]: another Dunbar location:
    A trio of 'Ukon' on Highbury at 31st, see photos

    Fairview: 6th and Spruce, below Chocklit Park
    *across the walking path from what seems to be called Charleson Park, just off the south False Creek seawall and east of the False Creek School. - please see pictures in Fairview.

    Mount Pleasant: China Creek Park at Clark Dr

    Oakridge: Langara golf course parking area and in and around the course, and two large trees between the golf course and a residential building next to it; also
    Oakridge Mall, on Cambie and outside parking areas, see photos

    Riley Park: Ontario and 19th
    [Edited June 20, 2011 by wcutler]: another Riley Park location:
    Northeast corner of QE Park, near 33rd and Ontario, seven trees, see photos.

    South Cambie: Baillie, 37th to 41st, a 2008 festival favourite

    West End, but reported in the Gyoiko, and Ukon or not? Greenish white doubles, bronze leaves, mid-season thread in the Cultivar IDs forum - on Barclay between Bute and Jervis, south side. This one has too much green to be a true Ukon, but maybe not enough green to be a Gyoiko.
    [Edited by wcutler June 20, 2011]: another location:
    Lane south of Alberni at Gilford, nine trees behind a brick wall, see photos.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2012
  5. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Not a timely posting - more 'Ukon' locations

    Grandview-Woodland: one at each end of a row of 'Kanzan' on Wall street, just East of Powell, see photos.

    : 10 trees in the yard of the apartment on Yew near 42nd, see photos.
    And Churchill, 47th to 49th were a 2008 festival favourite, see photos.
    On McCleery Golf Course, photo

    Marpole: 57th west of Hudson, a row of young trees, see photos

    New Westminster
    : at the corner of 6th and McBride, see photos.
    And the whole block of Hastings above Wellington, see photos.

    Renfrew-Collingwood: ten mature 'Ukon' street trees on the south side of E. 15th Avenue, between Renfrew and Nootka, see photos.

    Richmond: one tree at 7711 Moffatt Road, above Blundell, photos.

    West Point Grey: a whole block of big old 'Ukon', 10 of them on 7th between Trimble and Sasamat, see photos
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2012
  6. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Not-timely posting of new 'Ukon' locations posted in 2012

    North Vancouver: 175 E 2nd at St Georges, see photos. Also,
    2 yellow blossom 'Ukon' cherry trees are planted near the sidewalk on the north side of E 2nd Street in the 100 block, photos.

    White Rock / South Surrey: 22B Ave and 129B St planted both with 'Kanzan' and 'Ukon' (more than 20) trees to 24 Ave, see photos. Also,
    'Ukon' on 16A Ave west from 142 St, photos.
    Seacrest Dr turning Crescent Dr, 'Asagi' or more likely 'Ukon' tree, photos.
    On the west side of 136A St from 18 Ave to 19A Ave, 'Ukon' trees, photos.
    Nichol Rd near Malabar Ave, one tree, photos.

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