Does anyone know the name of the small plant with white flowers that can be seen growing beside, and in the central reservation of, UK motorways and roads in the spring? I think it must be a salt tolerant plant because it seems only to grow in the places nearest the road where nothing else will grow. It starts flowering early March, or even late February, and is going stronger than ever now in early April. It is diminutive but ubiquitous, and I wonder if it is a new introduction, because I cannot remember seeing it 10 or 20 years ago. I don't have any pictures because I only usually see it at 70mph, I am hoping someone will recognise the plant in question from the description. I will try to take and post a picture if nobody can identify it from the description.
Maybe this one (Cochlearia danica)?
Thank you! That is exactly the plant in question. From Wikipedia Looking at its distribution on the roads I passed every day, I had assumed that it was salt tolerant and that its seeds were spread by the air turbulance from lorries and cars passing by, glad to see that the established view of this plant concurs with my guesses. And, "Danish Scurvy-grass", what a name!
Hi, you can see how it has spread along roads in Norfolk (England) here: an amazing map Brian
Thanks, interesting map. It just so happens some of the roads on that map (A47 and A149) were where I was travelling at the weekend, with my family as we returned from a day on the Norfolk coast, and we got to talking about this plant which led to me starting this thread.