iGoogle = personalised Google home page. Try it. I am feeding all my academic on line reference stuff via iGoogle, plus a trolley load of other fun stuff.
Really simple syndication Honest, that what it means Mike lol I just got an RSS garden from a newspaper to work on mine. I think I will try here too. Some readers Wherever you see the RSS logo you should be able to get a feed. Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS A bunch of readers, I would like the RSS2email http://blogspace.com/rss/readers Wordpress has its own ability which is the one I use for gardening.
Ok in answer to Daniel's 'did I get it to work'? yes but, Each forum's RSS logo is in the address bar, do not click that, at least not for your Wordpress blogs. What you want is this address for this particular forum: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=46994 Wordpress accepts that. For anything other than WP then click the orange RSS logo and act accordingly, it would not work in WP though. Clicking that orange logo should work in most readers.
Er, you mean something to eat? Is it a fast food chain like macdonalds or KFC or something? I suspect not, but I don't have a clue what it all means! The wiki article is so full of computerese jargon that it's useless.
LOL Ok Michael, You have an orange logo on hundreds of sites. I have took a feed from this site, all pages/forums here has a feed of their own...again just click the orange logo to get those feeds. Feeds are maybe news headlines, latest wildlife, latest plant discussions. BBC RSS feeds would look like this in the address bar at BBC http://newsrss.bbc.co.uk/rss/newsonline_uk_edition/business/rss.xml You may understand the BBC explanation better, use the above link. Oh, if you use FF then that has its own way of grabbing RSS from sites. Here is the image on all sites, here on all forums in the address bar.
Whats to understand, Down load a reader: http://www.newsgator.com/Individual...beb101b782b0&gclid=CKnnxv_M6p0CFYwA4wodAkjwLA Grab the RSS address from any site. Try this forum's RSS by clicking the orange logo, after you have your reader installed . To show you what you get because people have not understood look at my garden Wordpress RSS from UBC. http://jungaling.com/gardenmagic/ Scroll about halfway and you will see the orange logo under that are the chosen forum RSS from UBC. By clicking the text in my site 'What plant? Grey-blue, pinnately compound leaves, deeply double serrate' it will take you to this address: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?p=233860#post233860 I find RSS easier in Wordpress so if you have that I can help you.
I figured out to how to turn on the computer a year ago. The kids "open" the internet for me, somehow. I know that it is dangerous to "download" things, so I don't. Not that I'd know how to do so anyway. The last time I saw a "scroll", Charlton Heston was holding it up while the people danced around a golden bull or something like that. At least I know that you can get an electrical shock if you touch your keyboard while eating.
Well, I barely understand this either, guys, but in case you're a bit interested and not just teasing Katalina into giving you info about something you don't care about, here is an article that explains in fairly simple language what RSS means to an end user - that would be you if you want some program to go check all the webpages you tell it are of interest to you, and list in one place which of those pages have updates, in some organized fashion, usually with a bit of a preview, and with a link to the updated pages. It's sort-of a personal librarian, so you can decide whether there's a reason for you to go to the sites. http://rss.softwaregarden.com/aboutrss.html Katalina talks about the orange logo. I can't find such a thing anywhere on this forum website, Daniel, or any mention of adding the forum or threads to an RSS feed. Is that something that changed recently? Sorry, I can't remember if you've said something about that. Katalina, is the point of having the RSS feed available on your page that new items get put there automatically? Else what's the difference between that and just putting the link in?
I'll give an example of use: Instead of visiting the forums to see if there are new threads in, say, Plant Identification, you can subscribe to the Plant Identification RSS Feed (perhaps via iGoogle or another RSS Reader). When a new thread is posted, the title of the thread will appear in your RSS Reader based on a timestamp. Maybe not useful to do for just one thing, but you can, for example, have an RSS Reader with feeds of: latest Environment articles from the BBC, the Plant ID thread titles at UBC and the latest financial info from CNN. In essence, you can customize & filter (to a limited extent) what information you want to be served to you, and aggregate it all in one place -- instead of having to visit the 3 different web sites to check for updates. I use RSS feeds in a different way on the forums. First example: Botany Photo of the Day -- do you think I personally go in and change the thumbnail on the righthand sidebar for every entry? Nope -- BPotD produces an RSS feed that the sidebar checks every hour or so to see if there's something with a newer timestamp, and if there is, the new image thumbnail / link to the latest BPotD page is pulled into the sidebar and swapped out. Second example: The Plants in the News section. When we post items to our Etaerio weblog, it produces an RSS feed. Again, that RSS feed is read by the forums software (checked against timestamp), and if something new appears, it automagically posts a new thread in the Plants in the News section with a link to the Etaerio posting.
Daniel has explained it better than I could..thanks Daniel! The orange logo is in the address bar, its there in every forum Daniel said. I have only tried it the once. I do not know how readers work I only know Wordpress only asks me for an address and its done. Wendy, my UBC RSS was just a test for me, I am that new to this way of having certain imformation brought to my visitors. I do believe the feed is changing but something I will need to keep an eye on as its my first time using such a system. What it may also do is bring my visitors to UBC for the rest of the topic lol I can't imagine a more imformative garden feed than the best...UBC My stats tell me people use their feeder for imfomation on my site.
Oh the address bar! It never occurred to me it would be outside the page itself. Right, there it is in Firefox, right in the URL box, and on Internet Explorer, it's on the Command Bar. Thanks, Katalina. Daniel, I did used to think you updated that picture yourself. Then I forgot to think about it. Thanks for the explanation of the ways you use the RSS feed.