I'm sorry if this should've been in the pest forum (just for insect pests?) or elsewhere. I wanted to see if anyone knew what type of weed this was and how to get rid of it. It is covering my yard at the house I bought last year. It seems like it only started growing in the fall, and it appears to be impervious to freezing temperatures. I included a picture of the bulb like thing that the weed grows from also. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/140/352853456_ff516eaf5d_o.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/162/352853450_7656ee967c_o.jpg edit - Thanks for moving the thread to the proper forum for me.
That looks right. I am glad you found it. It looked it was in the Lamiaceae, but not quite like anything I had ever seen. Does not occur in the North of course, but I did live in Atlanta for a while.
Scott, this site gives lots of info. I don't use any of the herbicides they recommend, but cultural practices appear to be the best way to control it. If that doesn't work for you, you might want to try vinegar. You could start with the 5% kitchen vinegar, and if that doesn't work, maybe the horticultural vinegar would work well. http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubs/PDF/C867-11.pdf Newt