Hi there, I purchased both of these plants at Ikea about 3 years ago. They were only identified as "Tropical Plants" and I would really like to know what they are. If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it! (Sorry for the low quality of the pictures, but I am using a cell phone camera, and that's the best I can do!). If you need any more information about the plants, just let me know. Thanks for any and all help!
My guesses are: On the left: Fatsia japonica, Japanese Aralia On the right: Radermachera sinica, China Doll.
#1: Fatsia japonica #2: Radermachera sinica The Fatsia is warm temperate rather than tropical, but that's still only to zone 8, you won't be able to grow it outdoors in Ontario
Thank you both so much!! I can't believe how fast and easy that was. I swear, I spent hours trying to figure it out myself on the internet before coming across this page. I really appreciate your help! :)