Identification: Two Plants: Two Questions

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by ohitsbrandon, Mar 28, 2008.

  1. ohitsbrandon

    ohitsbrandon Member

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    Dallas, Oregon
    First off, hello! Gardening is a new interest of mine that developed from helping my Grandma with her garden last summer. I have a few questions that pertain to identification.

    There is this great little place that I buy plants from and I have even started growing/propagating my own. However, because I do my own research about growing them, I like to know the exact kinds of plants I am dealing (not just the genus).

    The seller told me this was either a Goldfish Plant or a Lipstick Plant (I can't recall!). I've looked up pictures of them, but they don't seem to look exactly like mine. Here are pictures of the 1st plant (disregard the's my senior year and I've been procrastinating).

    Plant 1 (there is an African Violet in the background)
    Plant 1 (a focus on the 'flowers')

    Secondly, this is a kind of Coleus, but what is the exact classification for this kind? I've done more research on this one. I've used "Dave's Garden" but they don't list a coleus with leaves like this one...spotted pink/red. Here is a picture:

    Plant 2 (it's been through some relocation and has been recently re-potted = wrinkled leaves)

    I hope I've been descriptive enough. Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. L.plant

    L.plant Active Member

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    MD, usa
    #1 Nematanthus spp. Goldfish Plant
    #2 Hypoestes phyllostachya Polka Dot Plant
  3. ohitsbrandon

    ohitsbrandon Member

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    Dallas, Oregon
    Thank you! Now, time to dust.

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