The mushrooms sprouting out of the trees were in November of 2007. The other one is common and I see quite often.
Those white ones are fabulous! If anyone has ideas on their ID's I'd love to know as I've found some similiar? No idea what they are................ Do you know what kind of wood they were growing from? The 2nd photos looks VERY much like Winter Mushrooms...or Flammulina velutipes...I've seen them sprout out of mud as well as live or dead trees....
Do you have any top shots of the first one? If the cap top has these sort of faint circular patterns, and if it's growing on a hardwood, then I'd put forward as a possibility Hypsizygus sp. I saw this mushroom for the first time ever this year: Before this, I did not know it grew in NA, as I was used to seeing the name in the context of commercially traded edibles overseas. cheers, frog
So depending on the type of tree...would say which kind of Oyster it is maybe? I've NEVER seen oysters with such distinct seperation of the stem/gills.......very beautiful!
As i remember, the white ones spout from green ash trees. I'll have to check my photos to see if i have a top view.
Heya....the photos below show why I'm confused about the ID for the first ones u have? the white....... All the Oyster mushrooms we have in Atchison have a completely different look.....I'm sorry if it's just a 'look' but I'm not positive on that ID yet? On all the Oysters that I've seen the stem is distinctly ridged right up into the edge of the cap? Not sure if I'm making sense here........and althought I've seen colors from pure gold with light the 2nd image that has the brown caps...they all had the similar look of the grooved stem....would love to know if there IS different variety to their look!
It's unlikely to be an oyster: Although there are Pleurotus with stems, even non-lateral ones, I've not heard of a Pleurotus with non-decurrent gills. cheers, frog
Am I misunderstanding here? I thought u said earlier on here u felt this was a Hypsizygus? Am I getting my families wrong? Thought that was what the Oysters were? me Frog! lol
Hey there C.Wick! I'm really unfamiliar with Hypsizygus, so perhaps its english/common name is also Oyster? The mushrooms I'm familiar with which are called oysters are Pleurotus, Pleurocybella and Panellus, which all have similar shape and other characters. Plus false oysters like Crepidotus and... ok, that's all that comes to mind right now. I've no idea who the relatives of Hypsizygus sp. are. Would be interesting to hear more info on this mushroom! cheers, frog
AHHH...ok...and I just realized u'r up in I'm sure there's different names there then here also... Here's a link to Tom Volk's site.... I've heard people say these taste/smell/look like me they taste wonderful and non-fishy...they smell like MUSHROOMS...again...non-fishy...however...when pure white and viewed from above? they DO look like oyster
C. and Frog: The confusion might come from the common name "elm oyster," which is sometimes applied to Hypsizygus ulmarius. C, here's a page written by my friend Ron Meyers, who is in Kansas (like you and D Welfelt): This looks like a good match for the first photo posted. I agree that the second photo looks like a Flammulina--possibly F. populicola, if those are cottonwood leaves (it's kind of hard to tell; one of the leaves looks cottonwood-ish, but the others are oak-ish): The photos C. posted look like they represent Pleurotus species to me. Best wishes, Michael
Thanx so much Michael for that...I was getting even MORE confused as the conversation went on. lol Appreciate the links to help clear that. C.Wick
So glad for this post as I finally DID find a couple today! Otherwise I'd have been completely lost as to an ID!