Hello, I have been reviewing this board for some time now, and learning a lot as time goes by. I must say Durgan I love you're yard...It's looks amazing. I'm located in Mulmur, Ontario which is 1 1/2 hrs north of Toronto. Looking for some great advice on pulling my Tulip bulbs. We well be digging all around the house this year so I had to dig up the tulip bulbs in order to save them. What is the best way to store these bulbs. How long can they sit out of the ground for? You're great help is appreciated. Thanks
First, did you allow the plants leaves to die back naturally before digging them up? If not they may not have stored enough energy to flower next year. Dry them naturally and store them in a cool, dark place. Keep them away from excess moisture or they may rot. Plant them out in the fall or spring as is normal for your area.
thanks for you're relpy.. Yes I waited until they died. I'll dry them out and store in a cool place. Thanks again.