Just a reminder that this is coming up in April. Here are a couple shots taken today near LaConner, as we were driving through:
Yes - near the Chilberg crossroad. No tulip color to be seen today, except a few isolated plants at residences.
Great to know, Gordo. We were down a week ago and saw only daffodils; wondering if the tulips were running late with the cool weather. We'll aim for mid April this year.
Thanks so much for the reminder! I am so excited about bringing my daughter this year...she is four and I haven't taken her yet. I just checked the website www.tulipfestival.org and they say the tulips are blooming. Enjoy everyone!
Drove through the area yesterday, combined with lunch in LaConner. I think that maybe there are fewer fields in cultivation this year compared to years past - at least that was my impression. A nice show along LaConner-Whitney road - red & yellow. Any bit of disappointment can be easily erased with an ice cream cone from the Snowgoose or perhaps a pint at LaConner Brewing for those so inclined.