Hi, I'm a newbie and I am trying to save my Pachira. I received it as a gift and 2 of the 5 trunks developed root rot so I got rid of them, rinsed off all potting material and re-potted it in its original very small container with new potting soil. It has dropped many leaves, but there are still quite a few left so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Any advice would be helpful. But my question is really about one of the root rotted stems: It still had green shoots at the top with green healthy leaves. Is it possible to salvage it by cutting the stem above the rot (into green healthy stem) and get it to re-root? If so, do I do it in water or moist soil? Light conditions? etc. I did check out the links provided for info on propagation, but I couldn't find any specifics on exactly how to do it. THANKS Lori :0