Trunk of lemon tree growing "woody" ?

Discussion in 'Citrus' started by shylaloral, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. shylaloral

    shylaloral Member

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    Austin TExas
    I have a 2 year oldish lemon tree that i just got from a local nursery in December, and it's had a quite a journey since then. First, it was thriving, but then it got rootbound, and most of the leaves fell off. So I repotted it, and there is lots of new growth! However, and maybe I didn't notice this before, but part of the trunk of the tree isn't shiny green, it seems to be drying out a bit, and the dryness is spreading up the trunk some.
    Is my tree dying?
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2008
  2. shylaloral

    shylaloral Member

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    Austin TExas
    I did some more research, and I lightly scraped the trunk to see if it was green underneath, and it is! yay! so what should I do now? I forgot to mention that it is under a grow light, which I have on per the nursery instructins about 15 hours a day. Is that too much?
  3. Millet

    Millet Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Denver,Colorado USA
    If you mean the branch is turning from a shiny green color to a wood looking texture, that is normal. If you mean the the upper branches are turning brown, and looks to be drying and or dieing, then it normally means that you damaged the root system during transplanting, or you have been over watering the tree.- Millet
  4. shylaloral

    shylaloral Member

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    Austin TExas
    Thanks for the reply! I talked to the nursery today, and they said that I needed to drill more drain holes in the new planter. I also noticed some new leaves starting to sprout--so I guess it's just been the stress of transplanting. She said the woody look is normal, and it's the tree maturing. Plus, the nursery has a guarantee--since I've called them every week that I've had it to "check in" with them, they said if this tree fails,they'll send a new one.

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