Hey guys, This is my first time taking care of a plant (Well, actually, second time but the first one died) so I apologize if the question is a silly one. I purchased an Areca palm a few months ago. The palm's "trunks" are drooping. It's no longer standing up straight like when I first bought it. What happen and what can I do about it? Thank you
Have you been over watering it? And deos the pot have good drainage? Conversley it may need a good feed. A half teaspoon of Epsom Salts in luke walm water if its dry. Nath
I water it from the top once a week. But everytime i water it, the water would flow pass through the soil very quickly. Does that count as good drainage?
It can do, what medium are you using, also a photo would be useful to see what is happening. Do you give the palm a thorough soaking and then wait until its dried out at least a couple of inches down into the medium before watering again?
As long as the stem, or stems aren't mushy soft, it might just that it's not getting enough water to the roots. Areca's like good bright indirect light and some direct/dapple sun and bright light is good too. You want to keep the soil on the moist side. not sopping wet all the time. I'll water mine once a week, sometimes skipping a week if it feel moist enough at watering time. Let the top inch start to feel "almost" dry before watering. Make sure when you water, you water the soil "thoroughly" keep watering until it flows heavily out the bottom holes, wetting the entire root-ball, spilling out any excess from the saucer.