Hi!! I have a trumpet vine (4 years old) and this is the first year that it has bloomed. I have a problem with the plant and have not been able to find any information on it. Part of the plant is loosing leaves. It is only on one side of the plant and the leaves that are dropping look green and healthy. 20-30 drop at one time. At the rate they are dropping the plant will be bare before I know it. I haven't found any pests but I have noticed in the last couple of days that there are quite a few lady bugs on the plant. I understand that the trumpet vine is almost the last plant in the garden to green and the first to loose its leaves but this plant has never done this before. Any ideas??
Hi Meme, I found these possibilities. They really don't seem to fit except for the possibility of leaf spot. http://www.caes.state.ct.us/PlantPestHandbookFiles/pphT/pphtrum.htm I also found that Campsis radicans - trumpet vine is susceptible to verticillium wilt. One of the signs is the loss of leaves on one side of the plant. http://www.uoguelph.ca/pdc/Factsheets/Diseases/VerticilliumMaple.htm Newt
Newt, Thanks for the information. Sounds like verticillium wilt, to me. Hopefully I can save the vine or half of the plant that's now left. Thanks again. meme
Meme, you are so very welcome. I do hope that you don't have any lingering problems in the soil either. Best of luck with it, Newt