Trouble with Lilac

Discussion in 'HortForum' started by Shelley Pirie, May 22, 2013.

  1. Shelley Pirie

    Shelley Pirie New Member

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    New Brunswick, Canada
    Hi I am new to gardening! I was given a lilac about 4 years ago and didn't know much about planting and caring for it so I just dug a hole and put it in! The first two years the blossoms were beautiful, the next year(last year) I only had I blossom and this year the buds were forming and then they just stopped. I don't even have any leaves on it yet and the others in the community have leaves and blossoms starting. Not sure what is happening, but any help would be muchly appreciated. Oh I don't know what the name of it is but the blossoms are a deep purple with a white outline on the edges!

  2. cmgfour

    cmgfour Active Member

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    Owings, MD, USA
    I had the same problem with my lilacs. The culprit was powdery mildew fungus. The upper and (less frequently) lower surfaces of leaves, as well as stems of my lilac plant had a white, powdery appearance. They look as though someone has sprinkled them with talcum powder or powdered sugar. I sprayed my lilacs with a good fungicide a few times in late summer and in the fall. They flowered the next year. You always have to watch your lilacs for powdery mildew fungus. You may not have any lilac flowers this year but perhaps next year. FYI, there are many solutions to your problem with chemicals and/or organic homegrown alternatives such as milk. You need to search the internet for the one you prefer.

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