Trouble with Catus

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by Plant Lady, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. Plant Lady

    Plant Lady Member

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    Milford, PA
    I have a thirty year old Catus that all of a sudden is turning brown.....I know how to water and feel it but it seems to be turning brown and dying...what could it be?
  2. DeVine

    DeVine Member

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    BC Canada
    well as long as not too much or too little water is involved i wonder what kind of sunlight its getting ? too much direct may be the cause , also the soil has it been changed at all rootbound ? may be an idea if all else fails to repot this plant ,have a look at the roots & also be sure there is no mealie bugs there . placing it in new fresh freely draing soil wont hurt also if tooo wet leave dry for a time to help restablish roots.would be a shame to loose an old plant like this:(

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