Identification: Tropical style house plant

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by sgoodes, Oct 2, 2012.

  1. sgoodes

    sgoodes Member

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    North Bay, ON, CA
    I bought this plant at a local grocery store at the end of May.

    I am very happy with it - it just keep growing and growing! It has tripled in size since May.

    I have repotted it twice and keep it nicely watered and in a sunny window, but I want to know how to keep taking care of it as it continues it's transition from small house plant to tropical tree! I have no idea where the identification tag went from the store, so please help me identify it so that I can figure out what to do to keep it alive and healthy throughout winter.

    I'd also appreciate any tips about making sure the main stem stays strong; it only has a slight lean but I'm getting more worried as it gets taller.

    Thank you,

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  2. mrsubjunctive

    mrsubjunctive Active Member

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    Iowa, United States
    It's a Schefflera arboricola.

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