It could be but I can not find a match on the web. However, the other plant I am trying to ID which I thought was a Solanum I think could be an Ardisia
For me, that's one of the many Palicourea or a very close relative in the Rubiaceae. They really need somebody to go out and properly describe and photograph them, though - the genus is so poorly represented in collections.
Palicourea spp. have strictly opposite leaves with interpetiolar stipules, and distinctly tubular flowers. I still think it's likely to be an Ardisia.
And I think I've never seen an Ardisia in either Colombia or Ecuador with that type of deeply-pronounced venation, which is much more typical of the Rubiaceae than it is of the Myrcinaceae....
Yes, certainly looks like some images of Parathesis, a genus of Myrsinaceae closely allied to Ardisia.