I have the chance to get one of these but not both. They are the same height at about 8 feet and they both are really healthy. I need opinions which one would you guys go for?
Really depends on where its going. Trompenburg is 1/2 the size of Oshio beni, which gets to 30ft. Trompenburg is purple, Oshio beni more rust, then bronze. Trompenburg has unusual leaves, Oshio beni has unusual fall color (peach-red). If it were me, I would hock my car and buy both!! LOL!
Here 'Trompenburg' has been quite vigorous, 25' { 8 m.} in as many years, whereas 'Oshio Beni' is around 10' {3.5 m.} at the same age . Maybe because the 'Trompenburg' is in more fertile soil than 'Oshio Beni'. Both nice , but prefer 'Oshio Beni' for it's brilliant fall colour lasting about a month usually and would rate it close to 'Osakazuki' for performance and habit. The 'Trompenburg' hasn't begun to spread out much yet, although have read it does with age. First 3 top pics are of 'Trompenburg' , then 3 of 'Oshio Beni'.
well guys I ended up getting a 8' trompenburg, a 10' bloodgood for only $66.99. Guy said he doesn't want to deal with them anymore. Since I got them so cheap I'm looking on getting the Oshio Beni. The guy told me it had quite a bit of locust damage but he cut it out. Makes me wonder if I should get it or not? What do you guys think?
Not meaning to break in on your conversation concerning tree damage, but I wanted to post a pic of my 6ft 'Oshio beni' taken earlier this month. Tree receives almost no direct sun as it is planted under a canopy of mature oak trees. Pretty Fall and Spring colors though! Swanny
well theres a little problem to that. Ya see I bought a camera from circuit city when it was going out of business and I've always hated the camera cause its a piece of crap. Well my camera learned how to fly yesterday when it would not take any pics. So as soon as I get a new camera I will take pics. Hope my wife doesn't find out : (