My bunch of tritomas were strapped ,up for the winter, into tidy bunchs and now look horrid. We did get severe winter this year, down to -8 centigrade and their leafs have all turned brown. Can I pair them off like the iris? The stems bases are a couple of inchs wide, so likely the root sysstem survived, or should I just leave them to be?
Even though your plants are unattractive right now, it's best to wait until all threat of cold weather is past before cutting them back. Cut the foliage back to about 3 inches from the ground, avoiding pruning too close to the crown. These plants are short lived due both to their lack of cold hardiness and also wet conditions. Bundling the leaves and tying them together over the centre of the clump helps to insulate the plant and also prevent excess moisture from getting into the crown of the plant. Mulching in the fall is also good additional protection over the winter. Among the hardiest of kniphofia hybrids are 'Alcazar', 'Earliest of All' and 'Royal Standard'.
Thanks for the reply on the pokers! I imagined as much and, you confirmed my method of overwinter care. Now I have to go out and prune my Peach seedling, the Frost variety. It grew well its first year and now is showing buds. I have widened some branches with spacers and windened to wait a while longer to do the pruning, but alas we are going to travel, not a Ho - Hum actually, but I feel that they,the trees, should be trained and pruned before they really get into robust buds. So tomorro or the next day, unless I hear different, I will take off the weak and leave 2 or 3 leaders. It is actually spaced a hamock swing away from a sturdy Italian plum, so fruit really isn't of the essence. Enjoy the outside of life!