Hello, I couple of years ago I purchased some Indian Banyan seeds over the internet. One sprouted, and has since grown into a nearly 2.5 foot tall indoor tree. I originally wanted to turn this into a bonsai tree, but am considering now that it is perhaps too big. At any rate, I would like to know if I can/should prune the tree in any way to encourage varied growth or more leaf output (right now the tree is comprised of only one trunk, with no additional branches). I have been concerned that leaves that fall off have not been replaced; new leaves only sprout out of the top as the tree grows upward. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Sounds like you may not have enough sun for it, or it may be too dry indoors... As for branching, I wouldn't worry too much, in a few years it will be branching uncontrollably (downward. ;-)