I'm looking for reliable sources within BC for trilliums. I know of Fraser's Thimble Farms. Also, does anyone know where I can source the yellow T. luteum erectum. It grows in profusion at VanDusen, but they're rather unwilling to part with any (i.e. sell them). Thank you.
I have occasional seen 'wake robins' in garden works and triple tree nursery. But you should check out the up coming Van Dusen plant sale on Sunday April 24, usually lots of the common type available. FYI, I will be trying (again) to divide my western trilliums - Trillium Ovatum - in the fall (getting way too many); if you are interested in any just let me know
You just missed the Alpine Garden Club show and sale on April 2, that would likely have had some. There are also plenty of British Columbians on the Trillium Listserv: The Trillium-l April 2016 Archive by thread .
There are Trillium ovatum plants for sale here at the Shop in the Garden (small plants with flowers $12). There are also packaged T. grandiflorum and T. luteum rhizome in the summer bulb section.
Thank you all for the suggestions. I'm on the hunt! In an ideal world, I'd like a mix of yellow and red (erect, not sessile)
The upcoming A Growing Affair Plant Sale | UBC Botanical Garden will likely have some sort of trilliums, check back when the list is posted. I had a look through the VanDusen plant sale listings, they will have Trillium ovatum for sale this year.
Maple Leaf garden center in North Vancouver had some flowering T. luteum - unfortunately not T. luteum erectum - last weekend when I stopped in; I think they were about $20. You can always try special ordering them from Maple Leaf....they are good at trying to find. Phoenix Perennials in Richmond it another place to try special ordering.