There is a large population of trillium on a friends land. I have tried very unsuccsefully to transplant 2 plants and try to spread these beutiful and rare plants to new locations. Does anyone have any suggestions?? I have a relativly green thumb but these kids are fragile.
Tsk, tsk, transplanting native trilliums??? Isn't that a no-no? ; ) All I can contribute is that they like very well-drained, but constantly moist soil. I don't have any ideas as to time of year.
I have plonked them around with few losses. The ones that didn't survive I believe were my fault for putting them in spots that were too sunny, or not enough organic material in the soil. They seem to come up with a good "root ball" after flowering & I put the whole thing into the new hole. Even some of the little ones that fall off the edge have survived. Some of my original stock came from the "wild". The wild in this case was in a subdivision under development & was being rapidly unwilded by a bulldozer. They do need that filered light or shade from afternoon sun, in my epxerience. gb