I bought a triabgle palm about a month ago, and had to repot it. ITs been 3 week ssince i repotted it and now there is absolutly no new growth or any noticable change to it. THe trunk is still hard and thick, the leaves are still nice and dark green, and from what i can see, no bugs. Ill try to get a pic if you need one.
I pic would be useful...I had the same experience, they are pretty slow growers and it might be a little stressed from being repotted. Have patience, and as long as it doesn't go downhill, I think you should be OK Ed
Three weeks is no time at all. Triangles (I assume you have a Dypsis decaryi) are hardy, sun-loving, don't need much water, and really easy to grow in southern Florida. As palms go, they grow rather quickly, but that may mean a leaf every couple of months.
ive ben doing daily checks on it and it seems to be finaly starting to grow. Can this be from it being from the southen hemisphere ( beigthis tim of yea is starting o turnint spring tecnicaly).
I don't think so. Hippeastrum (Christmas "amaryllis") made to flower in the northern hemisphere winter quickly change their flowering time to summer, given the opportunity. For palms, leaves are major investments, not to mention busy construction sites.
actually my mom has one and it blooms in february or may... it chngts everyyear but it bloms when there is still snow on the gound
Ah, but put that same bulb in a backyard bed in Florida, and it'll flower in June. Hardly anyone seems to realize they're attractive garden plants in our climate. Leu Gardens in Orlando have quite a few scattered around the grounds.