My neighbor has a tree with red berries that overlaps onto my property. Those red berries fall off and get all over my car and driveway and it is extremely annoying. is there anything i can put on this tree to eliminate these good for nothing berries????? i dont want to kill the tree because i am not a tree killer!!!!!
i know absolutly nothing about gardening. all i know is that his tree his spraying red berries all over my car and driveway and i want to get rid of them.
Usually it's legal to cut anything that comes over your side. Can't guarantee that is the case where you live, but probably is. If you don't want to work something out with the neighbor - like maybe getting rid of the tree completely - then cutting off the branches that hang over your side is what you are left with. Don't cut anything on their side. If it is a comparatively small tree, that might be wrecked by having everything on your side removed then offer to pay to have the whole thing taken out. Get estimates from several companies, if possible, to see what the fair market value is for this operation. Choose a figure somewhere near the middle of the range.
Let's see. You could keep your car in the garage and powerwash the driveway. We have an "offending" mountain ash that fills the eavestrough with leaves and berries, but we enjoy the visiting robins, which quietly gulp as many berries as possible in the treetops. The tree is on our neighbour's property, probably planted by a bird 25 years ago...
I should add that our neighbour has a walnut tree that elicits the feelings you have about the berried tree. We did have it cut back to the property line so as to avoid having the walnuts roll off our roof onto our greenhouse. The tree now looks terrible, but it's stopped driving us nuts!
Yes: European mountain ash is basically a reseeding weed species in this region, bird-sown specimens are common. If the walnut looks terrible maybe it will even decline and die. The energy budget of mature trees can be thrown out of balance by sudden drastic pruning, causing them to slowly founder like the Titanic.
The tree is not going to stop shedding berries, and even pruning will do little to solve the problem you have identified. Could you consider building a structure just inside the property line that has a steeply canted lattice roof which will funnel the berries off to the side where they will no longer bother you? If you wanted you could grow vines on this structure and the berries in effect would fertilize the vine and the flowers would be yours to enjoy.