Hello everyone I travelled to Vancouver over the Labor day weekend, and I came across a very beautiful tree (shrub?) with purple blooms. Could anyone identify the tree? Thank you!
Really wasn't positive , thought you might be if you compared the flower to other hardy hibiscus. Looks old and pruned. Maybe Hibiscus syriacus. Hard to tell without a close up.
Hi gallina, Some info and pics to compare with here www.hort.uconn.edu/plants/h/hibsyr/hibsyr1.html Can't think of what else it might be, maybe a form or hybrid called 'Blue Bird', which is mentioned on the linked site. Also, there is "The Genus Hibiscus" forum on this site which might be helpful and some participants may know more www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=251 . Maybe an old plant that has been pruned from the base, making it look rather sparse ?
FYI - this hardy hibiscus has been trained into a small tree and is used as the street tree on Bellevue (?) in West Vancouver, near Ambleside Park. They are beautiful!!!
Hi, growing4it. I made this photo on Barklay Street in West Vancouver. This hibiscus tree has a vintage look, as the whole area!
Your Rose of Sharon looks unhealthy. I think it is planted in a low sun location. The foliage looks week and the blooms sparse and sporadic. Can you relocate it to a sunnier locale?
Looks like H. syriacus 'Oiseau Bleu' (often translated improperly to 'Blue Bird'). Newer Blue Satin TM = 'Marina' has more pure flower color - which I have oberved in person - and supposedly other improvements (claimed by sellers).