This plant is creeping through our deer fence from the neighbour's place. What on earth is it? It doesn't look like a native plant to me, so I'm worried that it might be one of those nasty invasive species. The neighbours haven't a clue; this plant just sprouted up on a part of their property that's untended. It's pretty enough, but, um, what is it? I hope you'll be able to tell me.
Oh, Michael, thank you! After reading your post I googled elder Sambicus and viewed the Google image results. Some of the photos there do look like what I've got, so hmmm! Maybe it's an elder. That would be a good thing. We have some nasty invasive plants on our island, including one plant one mustn't touch: its sap causes nasty chemical burns. (Giant hogweed, also known as Heracleum mantegazzianum.) So I was hoping this plant would be some innocent thing, not another nasty invasive plant. I hope it's an elder, or something equally innocent.