We have 3 indoor trees which have had their roots grow through the bottom of the pot. Can I cut the roots and repot to a larger container? Will cutting the roots kill the tree or should I break the container? A bit embarrassed as I was not aware they were in this state. Suggestions?
Are they all Ficus benjamina like the one in the photo? If so, you can absolutely cut the roots without killing the tree.
In a situation like that I use a saw and take off an inch or two on the bottom of the rootball. I have even gone as far as sawing off pieces on the sides as well, although I would not recommend that to someone who did not feel capable. It is good to rough up the sides though, either with your fingers or a knife depending on how thick the roots are. It encourages new roots to explore their way into the new potting mix. Just be sure and keep the plant in a low light situation for a week or two following such a procedure. They need a bit of time to settle back in before asking them to tolerate stronger light.
Two are the same and I think the other two are Figs.I tried to transplant the outer fig which is almost on it's last legs. When I originally transplanted it I may have over watered it, it was already loosing it's leaves. I then put it in the basement for awhile. Once a spurt of warm weather came I put it on the porch.It has lost more leaves. It has been a terrible repotting and a larger pot may help the situation.Our temperatures have been up and down. Thanks for the advice about relocating to a darker area. Roger
Ficus (and they all look to be ficus) always drop their leaves when you change their location- like clockwork. Best to site them somewhere bright and leave them there forever. The lower light is just for the two weeks following the root pruning. They are remarkably resilient plants- some fresh potting mix and they will all rebound before you know it.