Hello everyone!! I was needing a little help on identifying a tree that I came across today, I will add the pictures down below and if you could help me that would be great!! Thank you so much!! Side note: I also live in Edmonton (Canada) if that would help you! As well as it had a strange spiky fruit growing on it and I couldn't decipher what it was!!
Aesculus hippocastanum -- the Wikipedia entry: Aesculus hippocastanum - Wikipedia even makes special mention that it grows as far north as Edmonton!
Except it isn't! The leaflets are too narrow, and are stalked, whereas Horse-chestnut leaflets are sessile; the fruit is tawny yellow, whereas Horse-chestnut fruit is green. I get it to key out to Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra.
I wonder if the wikipedia entry is based on this tree :-)) I get the impression that quite a few Aesculus species are best adapted to cooler climates than the climates they're native to, with their large, heavy seeds that don't travel easily to catch up with postglacial warming.