I have a tree in my garden which was sold to me as a japanese pagoda tree but this is incorrect. the tree is slow growing about 5' in 7years, it has leaf stems which are about 20mm long with tiny symetrical leaflets (approx 6 to 8 pairs). it didn't flower for the first three years but now produces yellow pea shape flowers that do not completely open. it starts to flower during the month of may. the branches change direction at each leaf stem but not as savere as the crooked hazel. the closest i have come to finding the tree is a caragana tree known as the pea tree but not seeing a good picture im not convinced. please help
Can you post us a picture? It sounds like Carragana, but without a photo we can't be even wishy-washily definitive.
Caragana is possible, but is very rarely grown in Britain. There's several other possibilities, so a photo is needed.
Just a suggestion, but have you looked at Sophora Little Baby? Common name for Sophora is Pagoda tree. http://www.hkolster.nl/home-nl/+fotobestanden/+sophoralittlebaby.htm
yes I have looked at the sophora and it is nothing like it. Too big in height, wrong colour flower and the leaves are too big. thanks anyway
Hmmm. When I found a description on the internet for a slow growing tree, to 2m with zig zag branches and small leaves, quite sparce on the branches, with yellow flowers ,I was sure I had found a tree that fitted your description. I fear in my haste to add a photo I have picked one that although labelled as Little Baby, is not typical. I am therefore attaching another link. This photo clearly shows tiny symetrical leaflets in 6-8 pairs, as you describe. If I am still way off track, please post a picture or two.I'm really intrigued to know what it is now! http://www.tinytreasuresnursery.com/Plant Pages/Sophora p Little Baby.htm