This small tree is over 8 years old, I have raised it from a small shoot. It produces clusters of small, delightful smelling (Gardenia type), white flowers, and has lime shaped smooth edged dark green leaves. I have always thougth it was a type of Jasmine, but web searches haven't been fruitfull. I need to identify the tree so I can find out additional information on it's reproductive traits. The tree has grown a couple of small bushlike "things" at it's base. These unusual growths quickly grew to about 7" tall, and branched out a bit, then nothing for the past 3 months. I suspect they have something to do with reproduction, because they look nothing like a maturing plant, no leaves or flowers. I have always treated the tree like a tropical, bringing it inside for winter months, but the trunk bark appears very hardy. PLEASE HELP. I have pictures to send, but they are larger than the website allows. If you send an email address, I can send you a few. Thanks, jerhenz
The pics would help - save them at a smaller size and/or lower resolution, so they can be uploaded. In your pic editing program, click on 'Save as', select a new name, and select a lower quality, e.g. 4 or 5 rather than 9 or 10.
Looks like Murraya paniculata, Orange Jessamine. The growth at the base appears to be a separate plant.
Thanks for all the help, now I can research how best to care for the tree. You guy's know your stuff!