Tree Identification - - - Monocot?

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by orwake, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. orwake

    orwake Member

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    Napa, California, USA
    Hi all,

    I am very new to plant identification but have scoured my Western Garden Book and Audobon Society books and have found nothing even close to this.

    The attached photos are branches from a tree that is approx. 5" DBH, the fairly smooth trunk remains nearly the same diameter with no branching for 25' before hitting the sunlight (growing among quercus agrifolia) and then has 1" - 2" dia. branches, and then this foilage, alternating leaves of 4 to 5" long and only 1/2 to 3/4" wide.

    The leaves are very different, almost grasslike (thus my guess that this may not be a dicot) The veins are parallel along the length of the leaf, there is no central vein. I have not seen this tree when flowering (I just purchased this property), but neighbors say it is very "messy" ( lots of leaf litter and fermosa type yellow blossoms? They also say this tree is very rapid growing- they use the term "trash tree"- guess they don't like it!)

    I also noticed some suckers sprouting off a nearby stump that have this same foilage and then a secondary type of very small fernlike leaf groups growing out the ends of the long thin leaves- - -very strange indeed to me.

    Can you help me identify this tree? Sorry I don't have a picture of the trunk yet.


    Untitled 2.jpg

    Untitled 3.jpg
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Probably an acacia, "fermosa" being a mistake for mimosa. The "leaves" of these are somewhat strange because they are actually leaf stalks.

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