This tree is a favorite among urban landscaping here in the Philippines. These trees were planted in walkways but when storms hit us, they break easily. Please help me identify this tree. Thanks!
Acacia does not look like that. although acasia is a favorite tree in our streets too, this is not acacia. Acasia is a hardwood!
Ok, calm down. You never did say what the flowers look like. Thanks Chris
Certainly bears a strong resemblance to Acacia concurrens. As already stated, a description of the flowers would be handy.
Thanks guys! Sorry for my ignorance about acacia. I thought all acacias have compound pinnate leaves. At first, i thought this tree is a eucalyptus tree but the trunk is not that of a eucalyptus. Thanks again!
More likely Acacia auriculiformis, which is widely planted in tropical Asia. See: A. concurrens is relatively rare in cultivation. But to be sure, you would need high-resolution pics of phyllodes, or preferably pods, which are obviously different between these species.